Open North Foundation

    Company Details

    (If donation is coming from company)

    Primary Contact

    (If donation is coming from company)

    Personal Details

    (If donation is coming from individual)

    Source of Funding

    (for both company and individual donations)

    Professional Reference

    Details of Financial Pledge

    Do you wish to make the value of the donation public? (required)


    We would like to include a list of all of our supporters on our website. Please tick to confim consent for inclusion of your details as a supporter of the foundation. For information on how we will use any personal data you give to us, please see our privacy policy (required)

    All supporters can include a company logo to go alongside the company name on the website if you wish to do this please email a copy to

    Open North Foundation

    Open North Foundation is not a registered charity and is a private company limited by guarantee (Company number 10621351). The objectives of the foundation can be found on our website:

    The completion of this form is not a binding commitment to donate, that commitment is made when the funds are transferred to the foundation's bank account at which point it will be an unrestricted gift to the foundation. We will review the form and appropriate checks made before the donation is transferred. We reserve the right in our absolute discretion to decline any donation.

    Many thanks for completing the attached form. One of our team will be in contact in due course to confirm the next stages.